Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Red Dog

Red Dog
Directed by - Kriv Stenders
Written by - Louis de Bernières & Daniel Taplitz
Starring - Josh Lucas as John
                 Rachael Taylor as Nancy
                 Noah Taylor as Jack
             & Koko as Red Dog

Red Dog is a movie about a dog. But not just any dog. A famous dog. I know that when someone says 'famous' you would think that this dog probably did something like saving a child from the wreckage of a burning house or maybe the dog starred in a movie. No, Red Dog was famous for being loyal. And that's how people will always remember him.

The movie is based off a book called Red Dog written by a British author Louis de Bernières who loosely based it on the legend of Red Dog.

We all want that perfect pet that will stick by you, no matter what. That one pet that you can talk all your troubles to and stays by your side and listens, that doesn't pretend to listen to get fed or pat, no, that really listens. Red Dog was not that sort of dog. Before he met John.

The companionship between Red Dog and John was surprising. It all started when Red Dog wanted a ride and escalated from there, to the point where John was Red Dog's one and only 'master'.

Red Dog, however, became a legend when his master dies in a freak motorcycle accident. For three weeks Red Dog sat outside his house, staring at the road, waiting for his master to come home like he said he would. When Red realised that John wasn’t coming home, Red was going to go to John. And with that decision Red became famous, known as the ‘Pilbara Wanderer’.

I personally had never heard of Red Dog before my Grandmother suggested to go and see the movie. She had seen the trailer and thought that it would be a good movie to see. As soon as the lights dimmed and the opening credits began, I was captivated.

The movie was told as a story and then it was left to progress with the characters as they went on with their lives, pausing at bits in between to the present day where the person who was telling the story (Noah Taylor) and others who remembered bits of the story.

It was emotional. The story of this dog and what he did for his master, it really touches your heart. And at the end of the movie it leaves you with a feeling of what it could be like to have someone so loyal to you, that should you go missing, they will look for you, to the ends of the earth and back. I cried, in the cinema, so if you should go and see it, don’t be ashamed to cry, this movie is so moving that you can’t help but let it out. Trust me.

Cheers Xx